Advent of Code 2017

December 1st

[Given] a sequence of digits (your puzzle input) and find the sum of all digits that match the next digit in the list. The list is circular, so the digit after the last digit is the first digit in the list.

For example:

  • 1122 produces a sum of 3 (1 + 2) because the first digit (1) matches the second digit and the third digit (2) matches the fourth digit.
  • 1111 produces 4 because each digit (all 1) matches the next.
  • 1234 produces 0 because no digit matches the next.
  • 91212129 produces 9 because the only digit that matches the next one is the last digit, 9.
In [1]:
from notebook_preamble import J, V, define

I'll assume the input is a Joy sequence of integers (as opposed to a string or something else.)

We might proceed by creating a word that makes a copy of the sequence with the first item moved to the last, and zips it with the original to make a list of pairs, and a another word that adds (one of) each pair to a total if the pair matches.

AoC2017.1 == pair_up total_matches

Let's derive pair_up:

     [a b c] pair_up
   [[a b] [b c] [c a]]

Straightforward (although the order of each pair is reversed, due to the way zip works, but it doesn't matter for this program):

[a b c] dup
[a b c] [a b c] uncons swap
[a b c] [b c] a unit concat
[a b c] [b c a] zip
[[b a] [c b] [a c]]
In [2]:
define('pair_up dup uncons swap unit concat zip')
In [3]:
J('[1 2 3] pair_up')
[[2 1] [3 2] [1 3]]
In [4]:
J('[1 2 2 3] pair_up')
[[2 1] [2 2] [3 2] [1 3]]

Now we need to derive total_matches. It will be a step function:

total_matches == 0 swap [F] step

Where F will have the pair to work with, and it will basically be a branch or ifte.

total [n m] F

It will probably be easier to write if we dequote the pair:

   total [n m] i F′
     total n m F′

Now F′ becomes just:

total n m [=] [pop +] [popop] ifte


F == i [=] [pop +] [popop] ifte

And thus:

total_matches == 0 swap [i [=] [pop +] [popop] ifte] step
In [5]:
define('total_matches 0 swap [i [=] [pop +] [popop] ifte] step')
In [6]:
J('[1 2 3] pair_up total_matches')
In [7]:
J('[1 2 2 3] pair_up total_matches')

Now we can define our main program and evaluate it on the examples.

In [8]:
define('AoC2017.1 pair_up total_matches')
In [9]:
J('[1 1 2 2] AoC2017.1')
In [10]:
J('[1 1 1 1] AoC2017.1')
In [11]:
J('[1 2 3 4] AoC2017.1')
In [12]:
J('[9 1 2 1 2 1 2 9] AoC2017.1')
In [13]:
J('[9 1 2 1 2 1 2 9] AoC2017.1')
      pair_up == dup uncons swap unit concat zip
total_matches == 0 swap [i [=] [pop +] [popop] ifte] step

    AoC2017.1 == pair_up total_matches
In [ ]:

Now the paired digit is "halfway" round.

[a b c d] dup size 2 / [drop] [take reverse] cleave concat zip
In [14]:
J('[1 2 3 4] dup size 2 / [drop] [take reverse] cleave concat zip')
[[3 1] [4 2] [1 3] [2 4]]

I realized that each pair is repeated...

In [15]:
J('[1 2 3 4] dup size 2 / [drop] [take reverse] cleave  zip')
[1 2 3 4] [[1 3] [2 4]]
In [16]:
define('AoC2017.1.extra dup size 2 / [drop] [take reverse] cleave  zip swap pop total_matches 2 *')
In [17]:
J('[1 2 1 2] AoC2017.1.extra')
In [18]:
J('[1 2 2 1] AoC2017.1.extra')
In [19]:
J('[1 2 3 4 2 5] AoC2017.1.extra')

Refactor FTW

With Joy a great deal of the heuristics from Forth programming carry over nicely. For example, refactoring into small, well-scoped commands with mnemonic names...

         rotate_seq == uncons swap unit concat
            pair_up == dup rotate_seq zip
       add_if_match == [=] [pop +] [popop] ifte
      total_matches == [i add_if_match] step_zero

          AoC2017.1 == pair_up total_matches

       half_of_size == dup size 2 /
           split_at == [drop] [take reverse] cleave
      pair_up.extra == half_of_size split_at zip swap pop

    AoC2017.1.extra == pair_up.extra total_matches 2 *