
   [1 2 3 4] 5 remove
      [1 2 3 4]

   [1 2 3 4] 2 remove
      [1 3 4]

   [] a remove

First attempt

First let's handle the case of an empty list:

remove == [pop not] [pop] [remove'] ifte

For non-empty lists, the predicate and base case are easy:

remove' == [swap first =] [pop rest] [R0] [R1] genrec

The recursive branch:

[1 2 3 4] 3 R0 [remove'] R1

For R0 use [uncons] dip:

[1 2 3 4] 3 [uncons] dip [remove'] R1
[1 2 3 4] uncons 3 [remove'] R1
1 [2 3 4] 3 [remove'] R1

For R1 let's try i cons:

1 [2 3 4] 3 [remove'] i cons
1 [2 3 4] 3 remove' cons
1 2 [3 4] 3 remove' cons cons
1 2 [4] cons cons
[1 2 4]


remove' == [swap first =] [pop rest] [[uncons] dip] [i cons] genrec
remove  == [pop not] [pop] [remove'] ifte
In [1]:
[remove' [swap first =] [pop rest] [[uncons] dip] [i cons] genrec] inscribe
[remo [pop not] [pop] [remove'] ifte] inscribe

In [2]:
[1 2 3 4] 3 
[1 2 3 4] 3
In [3]:
[1 2 4]

So far so good but I made a mistake. The recursive part doesn't handle empty lists, so it's broken for the case of the item not being in the list:

In [4]:
[1 2 4] 45
In [ ]:

Second attempt

remove == [pop not] [pop] [R0] [R1] genrec
remove == [pop not] [pop] [R0 [remove] R1] ifte


[a b c] item R0 [remove] R1

                   R0 [remove] R1
   [swap first =] [pop rest] [E1 [remove] E2] ifte

Recursive branch:

[a b c] d E1 [remove] E2


E1 == [uncons] dip
E2 == i cons

[a b c] d [uncons] dip [remove] i cons
a [b c] d [remove] i cons
a [b c] d remove cons

How to make it?

R0 == [swap first =] [pop rest]

Then we want:

R1 == [[uncons] dip [remove] i cons] ifte

But of course [remove] can't appear in there like that, we have to package it up:

R1 == [i cons] cons [[uncons] dip] swoncat ifte

Or better yet:

[[uncons] dip remove cons] ifte

R1 == [cons] concat [[uncons] dip] swoncat ifte

Clunky, but it works:

remove == [pop not] [pop] [[swap first =] [pop rest]] [[cons] concat [[uncons] dip] swoncat ifte] genrec
In [6]:
[remo2 [pop not] [pop] [[swap first =] [pop rest]] [[cons] concat [[uncons] dip] swoncat ifte] genrec] inscribe
[1 2 4] 45
In [7]:
[1 2 4]
In [8]:
[1 2 4] 2
In [9]:
[1 4]

Third attempt

What if we let [remove] be on the stack instead of building the else-part each iteration?:

remove == [pop not] [pop] []        [[P] [THEN] [ELSE] ifte] genrec
remove == [pop not] [pop] [ [remove] [P] [THEN] [ELSE] ifte] ifte


[a b c] item [remove] [P] [THEN] [ELSE] ifte

P == pop swap first =

THEN == popop rest

ELSE == ...


[a b c] item [remove] ELSE
[a b c] item [remove] [uncons] dipd i cons
a [b c] item [remove] i cons
a [b c] item remove cons
a [b c] cons
[a b c]


ELSE == [uncons] dipd i cons


remove == [pop not] [pop] [] [[pop swap first =] [popop rest] [[uncons] dipd i cons] ifte] genrec
In [10]:
[remo3 [pop not] [pop] [] [[pop swap first =] [popop rest] [[uncons] dipd i cons] ifte] genrec] inscribe
[1 4]
In [11]:
[5 6] concat
[1 4 5 6]
In [12]:
[1 4 5 6] 5
In [13]:
[1 4 6]
In [14]:
[1 4 6] 5
In [15]:
[1 4 6]
In [16]:
pop [] 5
[] 5
In [17]:
In [ ]: