In [1]:
from notebook_preamble import D, DefinitionWrapper, J, V, define

On "Two Exercises Found in a Book on Algorithmics"

Bird & Meertens

PDF paper available here

Define scan in terms of a reduction.

Problem I. The reduction operator / of APL takes some binary operator on its left and a vector x of values on its right. The meaning of ⨁/x for x = [a b ... z] is the value a⨁b⨁...⨁z. For this to be well-defined in the absence of brackets, the operation has to be associative. Now there is another operator \ of APL called scan. Its effect is closely related to reduction in that we have:

⨁\x = [a a⨁b a⨁b⨁c ... a⨁b⨁...⨁z]

The problem is to find some definition of scan as a reduction. In other words, we have to find some function f and an operator so that

⨁\x = f(a)⨂f(b)⨂...⨂f(z)

Designing the Recursive Function

Ignoring the exact requirements (finding f and ) can we implement scan as a hylomorphism in Joy?

Looking at the forms of hylomorphism, H3 is the one to use:


If the combiner and the generator both need to work on the current value then dup must be used, and the generator must produce one item instead of two (the b is instead the duplicate of a.)

H3 == [P] [pop c] [[G] dupdip] [dip F] genrec

... a [G] dupdip [H3] dip F
... a  G  a      [H3] dip F
... a′    a      [H3] dip F
... a′ H3 a               F
... a′ [G] dupdip [H3] dip F a F
... a′  G  a′     [H3] dip F a F
... a″     a′     [H3] dip F a F
... a″ H3  a′              F a F
... a″ [G] dupdip [H3] dip F a′ F a F
... a″  G    a″   [H3] dip F a′ F a F
... a‴       a″   [H3] dip F a′ F a F
... a‴ H3    a″            F a′ F a F
... a‴ pop c a″ F a′ F a F
...        c a″ F a′ F a F
...        d      a′ F a F
...        d′          a F
...        d″

Initial Definition

We're building a list of values so this is an "anamorphism". (An anamorphism uses [] for c and swons for F.)

scan == [P] [pop []] [[G] dupdip]      [dip swons] genrec

Convert to ifte:

scan == [P] [pop []] [[G] dupdip [scan] dip swons] ifte

On the recursive branch [G] dupdip doesn't cut it:

[1 2 3] [G] dupdip [scan] dip swons
[1 2 3]  G [1 2 3] [scan] dip swons

Use first

At this point, we want the copy of [1 2 3] to just be 1, so we use first.

scan == [P] [pop []] [[G] dupdip first] [dip swons] genrec

[1 2 3] [G] dupdip first [scan] dip swons
[1 2 3]  G [1 2 3] first [scan] dip swons
[1 2 3]  G  1            [scan] dip swons

G applies

Now what does G have to do? Just apply to the first two terms in the list.

[1 2 3] G
[1 2 3] [⨁] infra
[1 2 3] [+] infra
[3 3]

Predicate P

Which tells us that the predicate [P] must guard against lists with less that two items in them:

P == size 1 <=

Let's see what we've got so far:

scan == [P        ] [pop []] [[G]         dupdip first] [dip swons] genrec
scan == [size 1 <=] [pop []] [[[F] infra] dupdip first] [dip swons] genrec

Handling the Last Term

This works to a point, but it throws away the last term:

In [2]:
J('[1 2 3] [size 1 <=] [pop []] [[[+] infra] dupdip first] [dip swons] genrec')
[1 3]

Hmm... Let's take out the pop for a sec...

In [3]:
J('[1 2 3] [size 1 <=] [[]] [[[+] infra] dupdip first] [dip swons] genrec')
[6] [1 3]

That leaves the last item in our list, then it puts an empty list on the stack and swons's the new terms onto that. If we leave out that empty list, they will be swons'd onto that list that already has the last item.

In [4]:
J('[1 2 3] [size 1 <=] [] [[[+] infra] dupdip first] [dip swons] genrec')
[1 3 6]


So we have:

[⨁] scan == [size 1 <=] [] [[[⨁] infra] dupdip first] [dip swons] genrec


 == [size 1 <=] [] [[[⨁] infra] dupdip first]                 [dip swons] genrec
 == [[[⨁] infra] dupdip first]           [size 1 <=] [] roll< [dip swons] genrec
 == [[⨁] infra]      [dupdip first] cons [size 1 <=] [] roll< [dip swons] genrec
 == [⨁] [infra] cons [dupdip first] cons [size 1 <=] [] roll< [dip swons] genrec

And so:

scan == [infra] cons [dupdip first] cons [size 1 <=] [] roll< [dip swons] genrec
In [5]:
define('scan [infra] cons [dupdip first] cons [size 1 <=] [] roll< [dip swons] genrec')
In [6]:
J('[1 2 3 4] [+] scan')
[1 3 6 10]
In [7]:
J('[1 2 3 4] [*] scan')
[1 2 6 24]
In [8]:
J('[1 2 3 4 5 6 7] [neg +] scan')
[1 1 2 2 3 3 4]

Problem 2.

Define a line to be a sequence of characters not containing the newline character. It is easy to define a function Unlines that converts a non-empty sequence of lines into a sequence of characters by inserting newline characters between every two lines.

Since Unlines is injective, the function Lines, which converts a sequence of characters into a sequence of lines by splitting on newline characters, can be specified as the inverse of Unlines.

The problem, just as in Problem 1. is to find a definition by reduction of the function Lines.

Unlines = uncons ['\n' swap + +] step
In [9]:
J('["hello" "world"] uncons ["\n" swap + +] step')

Again ignoring the actual task let's just derive Lines:

   "abc\nefg\nhij" Lines
    ["abc" "efg" "hij"]

Instead of P == [size 1 <=] we want ["\n" in], and for the base-case of a string with no newlines in it we want to use unit:

Lines == ["\n" in] [unit] [R0]       [dip swons] genrec
Lines == ["\n" in] [unit] [R0 [Lines] dip swons] ifte

Derive R0:

"a \n b" R0                    [Lines] dip swons
"a \n b" split-at-newline swap [Lines] dip swons
"a " " b"                 swap [Lines] dip swons
" b" "a "                      [Lines] dip swons
" b" Lines "a " swons
[" b"]     "a " swons
["a " " b"]


R0 == split-at-newline swap

Lines == ["\n" in] [unit] [split-at-newline swap] [dip swons] genrec

Missing the Point?

This is all good and well, but in the paper many interesting laws and properties are discussed. Am I missing the point?

0 [a b c d] [F] step == 0 [a b] [F] step 0 [c d] [F] step concat

For associative function F and a "unit" element for that function, here represented by 0.

For functions that don't have a "unit" we can fake it (the example is given of infinity for the min(a, b) function.) We can also use:

safe_step == [size 1 <=] [] [uncons [F] step] ifte


safe_step == [pop size 1 <=] [pop] [[uncons] dip step] ifte

   [a b c] [F] safe_step
   a [b c] [F] step

To limit F to working on pairs of terms from its domain.