import sympy
from import run
from joy.library import UnaryBuiltinWrapper
from joy.utils.pretty_print import TracePrinter
from joy.utils.stack import list_to_stack
from notebook_preamble import D, J, V, define
The SymPy package provides a powerful and elegant "thunk" object that can take the place of a numeric value in calculations and "record" the operations performed on it.
We can create some of these objects and put them on the Joy stack:
stack = list_to_stack(sympy.symbols('c a b'))
If we evaluate the quadratic
over [[[neg] dupdip sqr 4] dipd * * - sqrt pm] dip 2 * [/] cons app2
The SypPy Symbols will become the symbolic expression of the math operations. Unfortunately, the library sqrt
function doesn't work with the SymPy objects:
viewer = TracePrinter()
run('over [[[neg] dupdip sqr 4] dipd * * - sqrt pm] dip 2 * [/] cons app2', stack, D, viewer.viewer)
except Exception, e:
print e
We can pick out that first symbolic expression obect from the Joy stack:
S, E = viewer.history[-1]
q = S[0]
The Python math.sqrt()
function causes the "can't convert expression to float" exception but sympy.sqrt()
does not:
¶This is easy to fix.
D['sqrt'] = UnaryBuiltinWrapper(sympy.sqrt)
Now it works just fine.
(root1, (root2, _)) = run('over [[[neg] dupdip sqr 4] dipd * * - sqrt pm] dip 2 * [/] cons app2', stack, D)[0]
At some point I will probably make an optional library of Joy wrappers for SymPy functions, and either load it automatically if SymPy installation is available or have a CLI switch or something. There's a huge amount of incredibly useful stuff and I don't see why Joy shouldn't expose another interface for using it. (As an example, the symbolic expressions can be "lambdafied" into very fast versions, i.e. a function that takes a
, b
, and c
and computes the value of the root using just low-level fast code, bypassing Joy and Python. Also, Numpy, &c.)
Starting with the example from Partial Computation of Programs
by Yoshihiko Futamura of a function to compute u
to the k
th power:
def F(u, k):
z = 1
while k != 0:
if odd(k):
z = z * u
k = k / 2
u = u * u
return z
Partial evaluation with k = 5
def F5(u):
z = 1 * u
u = u * u
u = u * u
z = z * u
return z
Translate F(u, k)
to Joy
u k 1 # z = 1
[pop] [Fw] while # the while statement
popopd # discard u k, "return" z
What's Fw?
u k z [pop odd] [Ft] [] ifte # the if statement
[2 //] dip # k = k / 2 floordiv
[sqr] dipd # u = u * u
[[sqr] dip 2 //] dip # We can merge last two lines.
Helper function Ft (to compute z = z * u).
u k z Ft
u k u*z
Ft == [over] dip *
Putting it together:
Ft == [over] dip *
Fb == [[sqr] dip 2 //] dip
Fw == [pop odd] [Ft] [] ifte Fb
F == 1 [pop] [Fw] while popopd
define('odd == 2 %')
define('Ft == [over] dip *')
define('Fb == [[sqr] dip 2 //] dip')
define('Fw == [pop odd] [Ft] [] ifte Fb')
define('F == 1 [pop] [Fw] while popopd')
Try it out:
J('2 5 F')
In order to elide the tests let's define special versions of while
and ifte
from import joy
from joy.library import FunctionWrapper
from joy.parser import Symbol
from joy.utils.stack import concat
S_while = Symbol('while')
def while_(S, expression, dictionary):
'''[if] [body] while'''
(body, (if_, stack)) = S
if joy(stack, if_, dictionary)[0][0]:
expression = concat(body, (if_, (body, (S_while, expression))))
return stack, expression, dictionary
def ifte(stack, expression, dictionary):
'''[if] [then] [else] ifte'''
(else_, (then, (if_, stack))) = stack
if_res = joy(stack, if_, dictionary)[0][0]
quote = then if if_res else else_
expression = concat(quote, expression)
return (stack, expression, dictionary)
D['ifte'] = ifte
D['while'] = while_
And with a SymPy symbol for the u
stack = list_to_stack([5, sympy.symbols('u')])
viewer = TracePrinter()
(result, _) = run('F', stack, D, viewer.viewer)[0]
except Exception, e:
print e
Let's try partial evaluation by hand and use a "stronger" thunk.
Caret underscoring indicates terms that form thunks. When an arg is unavailable for a computation we just postpone it until the arg becomes available and in the meantime treat the pending computation as one unit.
u 5 . F
u 5 . 1 [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 1 . [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 1 [pop] . [Fw] while popopd
u 5 1 [pop] [Fw] . while popopd
u 5 1 . Fw [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 1 . [pop odd] [Ft] [] ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 1 [pop odd] . [Ft] [] ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 1 [pop odd] [Ft] . [] ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 1 [pop odd] [Ft] [] . ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 1 . Ft Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 1 . [over] dip * Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 1 [over] . dip * Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 . over 1 * Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 u . 1 * Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 u 1 . * Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 u . Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 u . [[sqr] dip 2 //] dip [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 u [[sqr] dip 2 //] . dip [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 . [sqr] dip 2 // u [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u 5 [sqr] . dip 2 // u [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u . sqr 5 2 // u [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u . dup mul 5 2 // u [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * . 5 2 // u [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * 2 u [pop] [Fw] . while popopd
u dup * 2 u . Fw [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * 2 u . [pop odd] [Ft] [] ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * 2 u [pop odd] . [Ft] [] ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * 2 u [pop odd] [Ft] . [] ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * 2 u [pop odd] [Ft] [] . ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * 2 u . Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * 2 u . [[sqr] dip 2 //] dip [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * 2 u [[sqr] dip 2 //] . dip [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * 2 . [sqr] dip 2 // u [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * 2 [sqr] . dip 2 // u [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * . sqr 2 2 // u [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * . dup mul 2 2 // u [pop] [Fw] while popopd
u dup * dup * . 2 2 // u [pop] [Fw] while popopd
w/ K == u dup * dup *
K 1 u [pop] [Fw] . while popopd
K 1 u . Fw [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 u . [pop odd] [Ft] [] ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 u [pop odd] . [Ft] [] ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 u [pop odd] [Ft] . [] ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 u [pop odd] [Ft] [] . ifte Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 u . Ft Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 u . [over] dip * Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 u [over] . dip * Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 . over u * Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 K . u * Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 K u . * Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 K u * . Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
w/ L == K u *
K 1 L . Fb [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 L . [[sqr] dip 2 //] dip [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 L [[sqr] dip 2 //] . dip [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 . [sqr] dip 2 // L [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K 1 [sqr] . dip 2 // L [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K . sqr 1 2 // L [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K . dup mul 1 2 // L [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K K . mul 1 2 // L [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K K * . 1 2 // L [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K K * . 1 2 // L [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K K * 1 . 2 // L [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K K * 1 2 . // L [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K K * 0 . L [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K K * 0 L . [pop] [Fw] while popopd
K K * 0 L [pop] . [Fw] while popopd
K K * 0 L [pop] [Fw] . while popopd
K K * 0 L . popopd
L .
K == u dup * dup *
L == K u *
Our result "thunk" would be:
u dup * dup * u *
Mechanically, you could do:
u dup * dup * u *
u u [dup * dup *] dip *
u dup [dup * dup *] dip *
F5 == dup [dup * dup *] dip *
But we can swap the two arguments to the final *
to get all mentions of u
to the left:
u u dup * dup * *
Then de-duplicate "u":
u dup dup * dup * *
To arrive at a startlingly elegant form for F5:
F5 == dup dup * dup * *
stack = list_to_stack([sympy.symbols('u')])
viewer = TracePrinter()
(result, _) = run('dup dup * dup * *', stack, D, viewer.viewer)[0]
except Exception, e:
print e
I'm not sure how to implement these kinds of thunks. I think you have to have support in the interpreter, or you have to modify all of the functions like dup
to check for thunks in their inputs.
Working on the compiler, from this:
dup dup * dup * *
We can already generate:
(a0, stack) = stack
a1 = mul(a0, a0)
a2 = mul(a1, a1)
a3 = mul(a2, a0)
stack = (a3, stack)
This is pretty old stuff... (E.g. from 1999, M. Anton Ertl Compilation of Stack-Based Languages he goes a lot further for Forth.)
by Arthur Nunes-Harwitt
def m(x, y): return x * y
print m(2, 3)
def m(x): return lambda y: x * y
print m(2)(3)
def m(x): return "lambda y: %(x)s * y" % locals()
print m(2)
print eval(m(2))(3)
In Joy:
m == [*] cons
3 2 m i
3 2 [*] cons i
3 [2 *] i
3 2 *
def p(n, b): # original
return 1 if n == 0 else b * p(n - 1, b)
def p(n): # curried
return lambda b: 1 if n == 0 else b * p(n - 1, b)
def p(n): # quoted
return "lambda b: 1 if %(n)s == 0 else b * p(%(n)s - 1, b)" % locals()
print p(3)
p == [0 =] [popop 1] [-- over] [dip *] genrec
b n p
b n [0 =] [popop 1] [-- over [p] dip *]
b n -- over [p] dip *
b n-1 over [p] dip *
b n-1 b [p] dip *
b n-1 p b *
curried, quoted
n p
[[n 0 =] [pop 1] [dup n --] [*] genrec]
def p(n): # lambda lowered
return (
lambda b: 1
if n == 0 else
lambda b: b * p(n - 1, b)
def p(n): # lambda lowered quoted
return (
"lambda b: 1"
if n == 0 else
"lambda b: b * p(%(n)s - 1, b)" % locals()
print p(3)
p == [0 =] [[pop 1]] [ [-- [dup] dip p *] cons ]ifte
3 p
3 [-- [dup] dip p *] cons
[3 -- [dup] dip p *]
def p(n): # expression lifted
if n == 0:
return lambda b: 1
f = p(n - 1)
return lambda b: b * f(b)
print p(3)(2)
def p(n): # quoted
if n == 0:
return "lambda b: 1"
f = p(n - 1)
return "lambda b: b * (%(f)s)(b)" % locals()
print p(3)
print eval(p(3))(2)
p == [0 =] [pop [pop 1]] [-- p [dupdip *] cons] ifte
3 p
3 -- p [dupdip *] cons
2 p [dupdip *] cons
2 -- p [dupdip *] cons [dupdip *] cons
1 p [dupdip *] cons [dupdip *] cons
1 -- p [dupdip *] cons [dupdip *] cons [dupdip *] cons
0 p [dupdip *] cons [dupdip *] cons [dupdip *] cons
0 pop [pop 1] [dupdip *] cons [dupdip *] cons [dupdip *] cons
[pop 1] [dupdip *] cons [dupdip *] cons [dupdip *] cons
[[[[pop 1] dupdip *] dupdip *] dupdip *]
2 [[[[pop 1] dupdip *] dupdip *] dupdip *] i
2 [[[pop 1] dupdip *] dupdip *] dupdip *
2 [[pop 1] dupdip *] dupdip * 2 *
2 [pop 1] dupdip * 2 * 2 *
2 pop 1 2 * 2 * 2 *
1 2 * 2 * 2 *
p == [0 =] [pop [pop 1]] [-- p [dupdip *] cons] ifte
p == [0 =] [pop [pop 1]] [-- [p] i [dupdip *] cons] ifte
p == [0 =] [pop [pop 1]] [--] [i [dupdip *] cons] genrec
define('p == [0 =] [pop [pop 1]] [--] [i [dupdip *] cons] genrec')
J('3 p')
V('2 [[[[pop 1] dupdip *] dupdip *] dupdip *] i')
stack = list_to_stack([sympy.symbols('u')])
(result, s) = run('p i', stack, D)[0]
From this:
p == [0 =] [pop pop 1] [-- over] [dip *] genrec
To this:
p == [0 =] [pop [pop 1]] [--] [i [dupdip *] cons] genrec
:¶def odd(n): return n % 2
def F(u, k):
z = 1
while k != 0:
if odd(k):
z = z * u
k = k / 2
u = u * u
return z
F(2, 5)
def F(k):
def _F(u, k=k):
z = 1
while k != 0:
if odd(k):
z = z * u
k = k / 2
u = u * u
return z
return _F
def F(k):
def _F(u, k=k):
if k == 0:
z = 1
z = F(k / 2)(u)
z *= z
if odd(k):
z = z * u
return z
return _F
def F(k):
if k == 0:
z = lambda u: 1
f = F(k / 2)
def z(u):
uu = f(u)
uu *= uu
return uu * u if odd(k) else uu
return z
def F(k):
if k == 0:
z = lambda u: 1
f = F(k / 2)
if odd(k):
z = lambda u: (lambda fu, u: fu * fu * u)(f(u), u)
z = lambda u: (lambda fu, u: fu * fu)(f(u), u)
return z
def F(k):
if k == 0:
z = "lambda u: 1"
f = F(k / 2)
if odd(k):
z = "lambda u: (lambda fu, u: fu * fu * u)((%(f)s)(u), u)" % locals()
z = "lambda u: (lambda fu, u: fu * fu)((%(f)s)(u), u)" % locals()
return z
source = F(5)
print source
for n in range(4):
print F(n)
def F(k):
if k == 0:
z = "lambda u: 1"
elif k == 1:
z = "lambda u: u"
f = F(k / 2)
if odd(k):
z = "lambda u: (lambda fu, u: fu * fu * u)((%(f)s)(u), u)" % locals()
z = "lambda u: (lambda fu, u: fu * fu)((%(f)s)(u), u)" % locals()
return z
source = F(5)
print source
for n in range(4):
print F(n)
def F(k):
if k == 0:
z = "lambda u: 1"
elif k == 1:
z = "lambda u: u"
m = k / 2
if odd(k):
if m == 0:
z = "lambda u: 1"
elif m == 1:
z = "lambda u: u * u * u"
z = "lambda u: (lambda fu, u: fu * fu * u)((%s)(u), u)" % F(m)
if m == 0:
z = "lambda u: 1"
elif m == 1:
z = "lambda u: u * u"
z = "lambda u: (lambda u: u * u)((%s)(u))" % F(m)
return z
source = F(5)
print source
def F(k):
if k == 0:
z = "lambda u: 1"
elif k == 1:
z = "lambda u: u"
m = k / 2
if m == 0:
z = "lambda u: 1"
elif odd(k):
if m == 1:
z = "lambda u: u * u * u"
z = "lambda u: (lambda fu, u: fu * fu * u)((%s)(u), u)" % F(m)
if m == 1:
z = "lambda u: u * u"
z = "lambda u: (lambda u: u * u)((%s)(u))" % F(m)
return z
source = F(5)
print source
for n in range(7):
source = F(n)
print n, '%2i' % eval(source)(2), source
So that gets pretty good, eh?
But looking back at the definition in Joy, it doesn't seem easy to directly apply this technique to Joy code:
Ft == [over] dip *
Fb == [[sqr] dip 2 //] dip
Fw == [pop odd] [Ft] [] ifte Fb
F == 1 [pop] [Fw] while popopd
But a direct translation of the Python code..?
F == [
[[0 =] [pop 1]]
[[1 =] []]
] cond
_F.0 == dup 2 // [
[[0 =] [pop 1]]
[[pop odd] _F.1]
] cond
_F.1 == [1 =] [pop [dup dup * *]] [popd F [dupdip over * *] cons] ifte
_F.2 == [1 =] [pop [dup *]] [popd F [i dup *] cons] ifte
Try it:
5 F
5 [ [[0 =] [pop 1]] [[1 =] []] [_F.0] ] cond
5 _F.0
5 dup 2 // [ [[0 =] [pop 1]] [[pop odd] _F.1] [_F.2] ] cond
5 5 2 // [ [[0 =] [pop 1]] [[pop odd] _F.1] [_F.2] ] cond
5 2 [ [[0 =] [pop 1]] [[pop odd] _F.1] [_F.2] ] cond
5 2 _F.1
5 2 [1 =] [popop [dup dup * *]] [popd F [dupdip over * *] cons] ifte
5 2 popd F [dupdip over * *] cons
2 F [dupdip over * *] cons
2 F [dupdip over * *] cons
2 F
2 [ [[0 =] [pop 1]] [[1 =] []] [_F.0] ] cond
2 _F.0
2 dup 2 // [ [[0 =] [pop 1]] [[pop odd] _F.1] [_F.2] ] cond
2 2 2 // [ [[0 =] [pop 1]] [[pop odd] _F.1] [_F.2] ] cond
2 1 [ [[0 =] [pop 1]] [[pop odd] _F.1] [_F.2] ] cond
2 1 _F.2
2 1 [1 =] [popop [dup *]] [popd F [i dup *] cons] ifte
2 1 popop [dup *]
[dup *]
2 F [dupdip over * *] cons
[dup *] [dupdip over * *] cons
[[dup *] dupdip over * *]
And here it is in action:
2 [[dup *] dupdip over * *] i
2 [dup *] dupdip over * *
2 dup * 2 over * *
2 2 * 2 over * *
4 2 over * *
4 2 4 * *
4 8 *
So, it works, but in this case the results of the partial evaluation are more elegant.
:¶def hylomorphism(c, F, P, G):
'''Return a hylomorphism function H.'''
def H(a):
if P(a):
result = c
b, aa = G(a)
result = F(b, H(aa))
return result
return H
With abuse of syntax:
def hylomorphism(c):
return lambda F: lambda P: lambda G: lambda a: (
if P(a):
result = c
b, aa = G(a)
result = F(b)(H(aa))
return result
def hylomorphism(c):
def r(a):
def rr(P):
if P(a):
return lambda F: lambda G: c
return lambda F: lambda G: (
b, aa = G(a)
return F(b)(H(aa))
return rr
return r
def hylomorphism(c):
def r(a):
def rr(P):
def rrr(G):
if P(a):
return lambda F: c
b, aa = G(a)
H = hylomorphism(c)(aa)(P)(G)
return lambda F: F(b)(H(F))
return rrr
return rr
return r
def hylomorphism(c):
def r(a):
def rr(P):
def rrr(G):
if P(a):
return "lambda F: %s" % (c,)
b, aa = G(a)
H = hylomorphism(c)(aa)(P)(G)
return "lambda F: F(%(b)s)((%(H)s)(F))" % locals()
return rrr
return rr
return r
hylomorphism(0)(3)(lambda n: n == 0)(lambda n: (n-1, n-1))
def F(a):
def _F(b):
print a, b
return a + b
return _F
eval(hylomorphism(0)(5)(lambda n: n == 0)(lambda n: (n-1, n-1)))(F)
eval(hylomorphism([])(5)(lambda n: n == 0)(lambda n: (n-1, n-1)))(lambda a: lambda b: [a] + b)
hylomorphism(0)([1, 2, 3])(lambda n: not n)(lambda n: (n[0], n[1:]))
hylomorphism([])([1, 2, 3])(lambda n: not n)(lambda n: (n[1:], n[1:]))
eval(hylomorphism([])([1, 2, 3])(lambda n: not n)(lambda n: (n[1:], n[1:])))(lambda a: lambda b: [a] + b)
def hylomorphism(c):
return lambda a: lambda P: (
if P(a):
result = lambda F: lambda G: c
result = lambda F: lambda G: (
b, aa = G(a)
return F(b)(H(aa))
return result
def hylomorphism(c):
return lambda a: (
lambda F: lambda P: lambda G: c
if P(a) else
lambda F: lambda P: lambda G: (
b, aa = G(a)
return F(b)(H(aa))
def hylomorphism(c):
return lambda a: lambda G: (
lambda F: lambda P: c
if P(a) else
b, aa = G(a)
lambda F: lambda P: F(b)(H(aa))